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Satellite Testing Points

Quickly and securely deploy testing end points anywhere on your network to provide key insights into network health.

Use Case 1: Satellites as Testing Points

MCS Satellites are available as software or hardware. Software Satellites can be installed on any server or computer within a network. Those Satellites then become testing points.

Hardware devices are connected via ethernet, so they can be placed in a data center, office, or someone's home. They are lightweight and secure and offer more in-depth metrics for analyzing a connection.

Using MCS you can set up work orders to run any number of tests between any of the satellites.

The benefit of having a variety of testing points throughout your network is to quickly and accurately determine where network problems are occurring. For example, if you find VoIP calls are failing between New York and Paris you can quickly analyze that route and find the issue.

Use Case 2: Browser Testing Points

The same Satellites that are described above can be used to enhance an online connection testing portal.

Check out our live example of satellite testing points.

With lots of focus on employees working from home, it has become very important to understand how home networks are performing.

They can also be used to pre-qualify customers for VoIP services or diagnose video conferencing issues between employees.

Use Case 3: On-demand Deployment

As discussed in use case 1 above, work orders can be created to instruct Satellites to run a series of tests. Sometimes over days and weeks if needed.

Our Satellite App (for Windows and Mac) can be easily deployed to an end user or remote location to perform a series of diagnostic tests. For example, if an employee is having issues with video conferencing at home you can have them run a basic browser connection test. If the results come back as having issues a more detailed test can be deployed using the Satellite App. The user would simply double-click it and it would connect and run the required tests.

This can be very helpful as running tests over a larger period can uncover problems that may not appear in a stand-alone browser test.


Automated Testing using Satellites

Satellite work orders are extremely flexible. They can perform tests to numerous testing points over long periods to give unparalleld insight into how a network is performing over time.

Read more about Automated Testing

voip and video conference testing

Further Assistance

voip testing user interface

Browser-based assessment testing allows you to present a customized portal to your end-users, which allows them to assess their home or work connection.

Arrange a demo of MCS

full network voip testing

Satellite technology. Utilize our powerful MCS Satellites (software and hardware) to create testing points across your network. Continuous testing can then be set up between any and all end-points.

Learn more about MCS Satellite architecture