Test result variables

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Test result variables


The data stored in the MCS database from tests being run can be used in various ways. The mechanism for referencing the data is what we call a dollar ($) variable. It allows the user to extract test results for use in things like emails and a web page.

The tutorial will detail the available variables by type and, when applicable, how to use them.

Global - Variables like date, session ID, and connection type
Name Units Description Variable
IP The IP address of the client $IP$
Time The date/time as a GMT String n/a
Date/Time The date/time that adheres to the SQL DATETIME standard. $DATETIME$
Session ID The session ID is a custom identifier used to help identify results $SID$
Record ID Record ID # for an individual test (not unique) $MSSID$
Connection Type The type of connection the test was run on (WiFi/Ethernet) $CONNTYPE$
Proxy State If a proxy was detected or not $PROXY$

Variable Example

To use the variables above a new param tag has to be added to the m_applet_params variable in the HTML of the test page. An example of this can be seen below.

The value of the param tag is simply a JavaScript variable call. Create this method and the variables will be passed to it on test completion.

var m_applet_params = '<applet width="600" height="400">\
	<param name="testspecid" value="-2">\
	<param name="js" value="processResults($IP$,$DATETIME$,$SID$,$DETAILLINK$,$MSSID$,$CONNTYPE$,$PROXY$)">\
	<param name="config" value="default">\
Speed - Variables related to throughput tests, like download and upload speed
Name Units Description Variable
Download Speed bps Download Speed $SPEED.DSPEED$
Upload Speed bps Upload Speed $SPEED.USPEED$
Download QoS % Download Quality of Service $SPEED.QOS$
Upload QoS % Upload Quality of Service $SPEED.UQOS$
RTT Min ms Minimum Round Trip Time $SPEED.RTT$
RTT Max ms Maximum Round Trip Time $SPEED.MAXRTT$
RTT Avg ms Average Round Trip Time $SPEED.AVGRTT$
RTT Consistency % Consistency, as a percentage, of the round trip times $SPEED.RTTCONSISTENCY$
Max Pause ms Maximum Pause $SPEED.MAXPAUSE$
Avg Pause ms Average Pause $SPEED.AVGPAUSE$
Bandwidth bps Bandwidth $SPEED.BANDWIDTH$
Route Speed bps Route Speed $SPEED.ROUTESPEED$
Forced Idle % Forced Idle $SPEED.FORCEDIDLE$
Route Concurrency Route Concurrency $SPEED.ROUTECONC$
Download Test Type Download Test Type $SPEED.DTESTTYPE$
Upload Test Type Upload Test Type $SPEED.UTESTTYPE$

Variable Example

To use the variables above a new param tag has to be added to the m_applet_params variable in the HTML of the test page. An example of this can be seen below.

The value of the param tag is simply a JavaScript variable call. Create this method and the variables will be passed to it on test completion.

var m_applet_params = '<applet width="600" height="400">\
	<param name="testspecid" value="-2">\
	<param name="config" value="default">\
VoIP - Variables related to VoIP tests, like jitter and packet loss
Name Units Description Variable
Up Jitter ms Jitter result for the upstream $VOIP.JITTER$
Up Loss % Packet loss for the upstream $VOIP.PACKETLOSS$
Down Jitter ms Jitter for the downstream $VOIP.DJITTER$
Down Loss % Packet loss for the downstream $VOIP.DPACKETLOSS$
Discards % Prcentage of packets discarded by protocol $VOIP.DISCARDS$
Order % Ordering percentage (metric showing how well ordered the packets were) $VOIP.ORDER$
RTT Minimum ms Minimum RTT (Round trip time) $VOIP.RTTMIN$
RTT Average ms Average RTT (Round trip time) $VOIP.RTTAVG$
RTT Maximum ms Maximum RTT (Round trip time) $VOIP.RTTMAX$
RTT Consistency % RTT (Round trip time) consistency $VOIP.RTTCONSISTENCY$
SIP Register ms Time taken to perform SIP REGISTER $VOIP.REGISTER$
SIP Invite ms Time taken to perform SIP INVITE $VOIP.INVITE$
SIP Bye ms Time taken to perform SIP BYE $VOIP.BYE$
SIP ALG String SIP Application Layer Gateway detected $VOIP.SIPALGFW$
Up Distribution Loss % Upstream distribution loss $VOIP.UPDISTLOSS$
Down Distribution Loss % Upstream distribution loss $VOIP.DOWNDISTLOSS$
Up Max Jitter ms Maximum recorded jitter during the upstream $VOIP.MAXJITTER$
Down Max Jitter ms Maximum recorded jitter during the downstream $VOIP.DMAXJITTER$
Up MOS - MOS score for the upstream $VOIP.MOS$
Down MOS - MOS score for the downstream $VOIP.DMOS$
Lines - Number of lines simulated for the test $VOIP.LINES$

Variable Example

To use the variables above a new param tag has to be added to the m_applet_params variable in the HTML of the test page. An example of this can be seen below.

The value of the param tag is simply a JavaScript variable call. Create this method and the variables will be passed to it on test completion.

var m_applet_params = '<applet width="600" height="400">\
	<param name="testspecid" value="-1">\
	<param name="config" value="default">\
Route - Variables related to route tests, like hops and ISP
Name Units Description Variable
Hop Numbers
(client to server)
- An array of the route hop numbers $ROUTE.HOPNUMARRAY$
Hop Numbers
(server to client)
- An array of the route hop numbers $ROUTE.SHOPNUMARRAY$
(client to server)
- An array of the route IP addresses $ROUTE.IPARRAY$
(server to client)
- An array of the route IP addresses $ROUTE.SIPARRAY$
Average Response
(client to server)
ms An array of the average response times for each hop $ROUTE.MSARRAY$
Average Response
(server to client)
ms An array of the average response times for each hop $ROUTE.SMSARRAY$
Maximum Response
(client to server)
ms An array of the maximum response times for each hop $ROUTE.MSMAXARRAY$
Maximum Response
(server to client)
ms An array of the maximum response times for each hop $ROUTE.SMSMAXARRAY$
Minimum Response
(client to server)
ms An array of the minimum response times for each hop $ROUTE.MSMINARRAY$
Minimum Response
(server to client)
ms An array of the minimum response times for each hop $ROUTE.SMSMINARRAY$
Packet Loss
(client to server)
% An array of the packet loss percentage for each hop $ROUTE.LOSSARRAY$
Packet Loss
(server to client)
% An array of the packet loss percentage for each hop $ROUTE.SLOSSARRAY$
(client to server)
String An array of the location, if known, for each hop $ROUTE.LOCATIONARRAY$
(server to client)
String An array of the location, if known, for each hop $ROUTE.SLOCATIONARRAY$
Network names
(client to server)
String An array of the network names for each hop $ROUTE.NETWORKARRAY$
Network names
(server to client)
String An array of the network names for each hop $ROUTE.SNETWORKARRAY$
(client to server)
An array of the DSCP values for each hop $ROUTE.DSCPARRAY$
(server to client)
An array of the DSCP values for each hop $ROUTE.SDSCPARRAY$
Max Route Response
(client to server)
ms Maximum response time for the route $ROUTE.MAXMS$
Max Route Response
(server to client)
ms Maximum response time for the route $ROUTE.SMAXMS$
Target Packet Loss
(client to server)
% Packet loss to target $ROUTE.ENDLOSS$
Target Packet Loss
(server to client)
% Packet loss to target $ROUTE.SENDLOSS$
Target Average Response
(client to server)
ms Average response time to target $ROUTE.ENDMS$
Target Average Response
(server to client)
ms Average response time to target $ROUTE.SENDMS$
Target IP
(client to server)
The target IP address $ROUTE.TOIP$
Target IP
(server to client)
The target IP address $ROUTE.STOIP$
Hops to target
(client to server)
Total number of hops in route $ROUTE.HOPCOUNT$
Hops to target
(server to client)
Total number of hops in route $ROUTE.SHOPCOUNT$
Source IP
(client to server)
The IP address the route originated from $ROUTE.FROMIP$
Source IP
(server to client)
The IP address the route originated from $ROUTE.SFROMIP$

Variable Example

To use the variables above a new param tag has to be added to the m_applet_params variable in the HTML of the test page. An example of this can be seen below.

The value of the param tag is simply a JavaScript variable call. Create this method and the variables will be passed to it on test completion.

var m_applet_params = '<applet width="600" height="400">\
	<param name="testspecid" value="-3">\
	<param name="config" value="default">\

Examples of the array variables

Hop Numbers. This is an array of the hop numbers. The first hop of the route is noted as 0. An example of a hop numbers array is below:

var hop_numbers = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11]

IP addresses. This is an array of the IP addresses uncovered for each hop of the route.

var ip_addresses = ['', '', '---', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '']

Average responses. This is an array average response time for each hop. There are, by default, 7 pings to each hop. Each of these pings has a response time (ms). This is the average of those 7.

var avg_responses = [0,1,'-',4,2,2,14,22,36,62,68,61]

Maximum responses. This is an array maximum response time for each hop. There are, by default, 7 pings to each hop. Each of these pings has a response time (ms). This the max of those 7.

var max_responses = [0,2,'-',5,2,2,14,22,37,63,74,61]

Minimum responses. This is an array average response time for each hop. There are, by default, 7 pings to each hop. Each of these pings has a response time (ms). This is the minimum of those 7.

var min_responses = [0,1,'-',3,2,2,13,21,36,62,66,61]

Packet loss. This is an array of the packet loss, as a percentage, for each hop of the route.

var packet_loss = [14,0,100,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]

Locations. This is an array of the geographical location of each hop, if available.

var loc = ['-','-','-','-','-','-','-','-','-','-','miami-fl','miami-fl']

Network Names. This is an array of the network name of each hop, if available.

var loc = ['-','-','-','-','-','-','-','-','-','-','Cogent Communications','PSINet Inc']

DSCP. This is an array of the DSCP values of each hop, if available.

var dscp = ['-','-1','72','72','72','72','72','72','72','72','72','72']
Capacity - Variables related to capacity tests, like download and upload capacity
Name Units Description Variable
Downstream Capacity bits The download capacity result $CAPACITY.DCAPACITY$ (Kbps)
Upstream Capacity bits The upload capacity result $CAPACITY.UCAPACITY$ (Kbps)
Downstream Packets bits The packet rate achieved for the download result $CAPACITY.DPACKETS$
Upstream Packets bits The packet rate achieved for the upload result $CAPACITY.UPACKETS$
Packet Size Bytes The packet size used for the test $CAPACITY.PACKETSIZE$
Consistency of Service % The consistency of service percentage $CAPACITY.QOS$

Variable Example

To use the variables above a new param tag has to be added to the m_applet_params variable in the HTML of the test page. An example of this can be seen below.

The value of the param tag is simply a JavaScript variable call. Create this method and the variables will be passed to it on test completion.

var m_applet_params = '<applet width="600" height="400">\
	<param name="testspecid" value="-7">\
	<param name="config" value="default">\
Firewall - Variables related to firewall tests, like ports open and closed
Name Units Description Variable
Firewall Record Id - A delimitted string of the record IDs for each port/port group. $FIREWALL.MSSIDS$
Total ports - An integer that represents the total number of ports tested. $FIREWALL.PORTTOTAL$
Ports tested - An array of the port/port groups that were tested. $FIREWALL.PORT$
Port state - An array of the state of each port tested (0 closed, 1 open) $FIREWALL.STATUS$
Port protocol - An array of the protocol for the tested ports (UDP, TCP) $FIREWALL.PROTOCOL$

JavaScript Example

To use the JavaScript variables above a new param tag has to be added to the m_applet_params variable in the HTML of the test page. An example of this can be seen below.

The value of the param tag is simply a JavaScript variable call. Create this method and the variables will be passed to it on test completion.

Note that the MSSIDS call is made from js-firewall, not js.

var m_applet_params = '<applet width="600" height="400">\
	<param name="testspecid" value="-3">\
   <param name="js-firewall" value="jsfw($FIREWALL.MSSIDS$)">\
	<param name="config" value="default">\

Examples of the array variables.

Ports. This is an array of the ports/port groups tested.

var ports = [80, 110, 465, 20000]

Protocol. This is an array of the protocols for the ports/port groups tested.

var protocol = ['TCP', 'UDP', 'UDP', 'UDP']

Port Status. This is an array of the results for the port/port groups tested. 0 for closed and 1 for open.

var port_status = [1, 1, 1, 0]

Records IDs. This is a vertical bar delimited string of the records ids for each port/port group tested.

var port_recordids = '455|456|457|458'