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Ensuring the digital experience

MyConnection Server evaluates true digital experiences, end to end, across any network.

Drive Superior Digital Performance with MyConnection Server

In a world driven by connectivity, understanding the performance of data as it moves through global and local networks is crucial for delivering the best digital experience. Whether verifying that remote work networks can support VoIP and video, or proactively detecting issues across worldwide networks, MyConnection Server is designed to help. Enhance your network's reliability and performance with our trusted solution.

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VoIP & Video

VoIP & Video Quality testing is essential to maintaining the user experience across VoIP applications, such as voice calls and video conferencing.

VoIP & Video Assessment
Bandwidth Quality

Conventional "speed" tests are meaningless without understanding the testing protocol. Bandwidth quality is the key to solving user experience issues.

Bandwidth quality
Assessment Testing

Assessment testing, testing-over-time, provides a seamless and secure way to gather key network performance data across single and multi-edge networks.

Automated testing
User Experience

Regardless of the application, the user experience is everything. Configure in-depth tests to ensure a network is fit for purpose.

User Experience
Connection Capacity

Determine if the capacity of a connection is adequate for the load being expected of it. Even large capacity connections can be over-subscribed.

Connection Capacity
VoIP Testing Portal

Deploy a public facing assessment portal to allow your users to validate network readiness and improve the user experience.

Example testing portal

Why choose MyConnection Server

understanding bandwidth

Our unrivaled understanding of how data moves is the backbone of the software we provide. MCS is secure, lightweight, and powerful. Offering both hosted and self-hosted deployments.

secure deployment

HTTPS enabled web deployment including a plethora of security controls makes MCS ultra secure, which is essential in keeping customer data safe.

lightweight deployment

Lightweight deployment. MCS can be installed in a matter of seconds and Satellite can be put out into the field in just a few minutes.

Hardware Solutions

1U rack-mount device

Data Center Ready

The 1U rack-mount device supports up to 16 ports, enabling load balancing and outage redundancy. Fully secure (no OS), easy to install.

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portable access device 2 port

Portable and lightweight

The 1- and 2-port portable devices support both client and server modes, making them ideal for field engineers to diagnose last-mile issues and faulty routers. These devices are fully secure (no OS), easy to install, and support PoE when available.

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raspberry pi with MCS satellite technology

Raspberry Pi

The Raspberry Pi is a great alternative to the custom hardware. Running the NCS (Network Connection Satelltie) utility on the Raspberry Pi OS enables the full range of connection tests in the palm of your hands.

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See the Quality of your Entire Network

Our secure Satellite technology enables you to consistently measure the performance and quality of key network segments anywhere in the world. Maintaining a high level of digital experience across cloud services, at home users, network applications, and more is made easy with unrivaled quality metrics and detailed analysis.

dashboard view of key quality metrics

Does Monitoring Solve Your Network Problems?

Network Monitoring is a $2b+ industry and is projected to grow further. However, monitoring only gives you a snapshot at certain points on the network. This is akin to standing at one point on a freeway, seeing lots of cars flowing smoothly, and stating that the road (connection) is working well. But is it? how can you tell if a car is on time? Only the driver knows… Each car, like a data packet, is on a journey from one point to another and without testing the end-to-end connection you don't know how data is performing (user experience). A packet could be late, arriving out of order, retransmitted, etc.

Testing your connection will uncover the true user experience.

Do Network Monitoring Solutions Help or Hinder?

network monioring doesn't work