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SYNC Timers

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SYNC Timers

SYNC Timers

Sync timers allow MCS to establish and coordinate a global network behavioral test from any number of remote
MCS Satellites including mobile devices and tablets

Creating a new sync timer

There are three aspects to creating a new SYNC timer.

  • Name: Enter a name for the new timer. This is used to reference the timer in other areas of the product. Name's must be lowercase without spaces or special characters.
  • Type: Timers can either count up to sync, or count down to sync. Choose the required option from the drop down menu.
  • Time: Enter a time value, in minutes, that the timer should abide by.
add a sync timer
Fig 1. Create timer options

Manage exisiting sync timers

The image below shows an example of how existing timers will appear.

To delete a timer simply click the delete link.

manage timers
Fig 2. Review/delete timer

Assign a sync timer

The image below depicts the view when editing a satellite work order (SWO) task. A work order can be made up of numerous "tasks" and that is why syncing them can be very beneifical.

To assign a timer to a task first expand the calendar section and then check the Timer box. This will present the SYNC timer drop down list box where a timer can be chosen. The task will then sync according to that timer with the other tasks in the work order.

assign a sync timer to a work order
Fig 3. Assign a timer to a work order