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Tildes on Publication

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Defining tildes when creating a publication

Tilde definitions for a publication

Tildes that are present in a PPF/HTML file when creating a publication are detected and displayed in a way that allows the user to set a value or override a value for that one publication.

Note that tilde values set for a publication are ONLY used for that publication.

When a report/PPF file is chosen from their respective drop down menus they are scanned for tildes. These tildes appear just below the menus, as shown below.

tilde definitions
Tilde definitions

Note ~setconditions~ is a special case tilde. For usage instructions click here. This can be left blank without affecting the report.

Any tilde that does not have a value will appear in the report as its plain text. So, it's important to define then if they do not have values by default. Remember, default values for tildes can be set in general config.

Tildes that already have a value don't need to be specified. They can, however, be overridden with a new value that will only come into effect for the publication being created. Any other report using that tilde will keep the default value. To override a tilde that has been set click the override link. This enables the text field. Enter a new value to override.